Welcome to the OBEASY Marketplace Affiliate Program - Unleash Your Earnings Potential!

Welcome to the OBEASY Marketplace Affiliate Program - Unleash Your Earnings Potential!

Terms and Conditions

1. Program Enrollment

By applying to the OBEASY Marketplace Affiliate Program, you're stepping into a realm dedicated to effortlessly promoting online products, services, and offers. While we welcome enthusiastic affiliates, we retain the right to evaluate and grant enrollment at our discretion. Once accepted, you'll receive authorization to utilize your unique affiliate link for commission earnings.

2. Lucrative Affiliate Commissions

Your affiliate dashboard equips you with powerful tools to promote our platform and offerings, including:

  • Your exclusive affiliate link
  • Eye-catching banner ads
  • Seamless social media sharing capabilities

Your efforts will be tracked meticulously, with real-time updates on unique visitors, opt-ins, and purchases generated through your affiliate link.

Each link carries a vital Affiliate ID for precise tracking. Please ensure that you always use your affiliate link, as our system relies on it to accurately credit your sales.

Here's the exciting part:

  • Direct Sales: Earn a remarkable 20% commission on all direct sales driven by your endeavors.
  • Lifetime Cookies: Enjoy the privilege of lifetime cookies, ensuring you continue to earn commissions on future purchases made by your referrals.

    3. Non-Competitor Assurance

    We've got your back:

    • Distinct Business Model: Participation in the OBEASY Affiliate Program or using our platform doesn't position any affiliate or merchant as a competitor to OBEASY. Our services complement, rather than compete with, your business goals.

    4. Commissions and Payouts

    Commissions are your rewards, and they'll be paid out monthly, 30 days post-sale, allowing time for any potential returns based on our money-back guarantee. You can choose to receive your payments via a company check or PayPal.

    5. Marketing Guidelines

    We uphold certain standards:

    • SEM Restrictions: Affiliates are requested not to run SEM campaigns on platforms like Google without prior authorization, to prevent conflicts with our own efforts.
    • Approval Required: If you plan to run SEM campaigns on secondary search engines, please seek approval from our affiliate manager.

    6. Legal Compliance

    We're on the right side of the law:

    • FTC Compliance: Affiliates must adhere to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines for endorsements. You are required to disclose your affiliate relationship with OBEASY Marketplace clearly and conspicuously, including potential compensation. Refer to the FTC guidelines here.

    7. Termination and Adjustments

    We hold the keys:

    • Termination Rights: We retain the right to terminate this agreement at any time without prior notice, for various reasons, including a breach of these terms or conduct detrimental to our company's interests or public welfare.
    • Modification Powers: Any modifications to this agreement will be communicated to you. Your continued participation signifies your acceptance of these changes.

    8. Get in Touch

    For questions, clarifications, or further assistance, feel free to contact us:

    • Phone: +1 (888) 816-6396
    • Email: team@obeasy.com
    • Business Name: Business Entertainment TV LLC d/b/a obeasy.com

    By becoming part of the OBEASY Marketplace Affiliate Program, you align with these terms and conditions, opening the door to limitless earning potential.